Excerpts from a Mom, Wife, Scrapbooker, Twilight Fan!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Facebook Revelation

For over a year, my husband has had a Facebook page.  But would he do anything with it?  Basically he grumbled that he just signed up to stay in touch with his church mentee, and to see the information from Tristan's Boy Scout group.  He didn't know that I would find his FB page still signed on, and then go out, posing as him, and invite lots of people he knows to be friends with him.  He often grumbled about how many status, and e-mails, and irrelevant information he see's on his page.  So, I showed him out to change e-mail update settings, and how to hide some people's statuses so his page isn't so 'clogged' with stuff. 

Then, a revelation.  He was driving home one night last week and calls me with this giddy sound in his voice.   I thought he must've won the lottery because here is what he started out saying.   'Okay hon, I know I've grumbled and complained and fought this, but I went out today, and I've had a revelation.  I REALLY GET FACEBOOK NOW!'   It turns out that he had gone out and searched for a few people he used to go to HS with, and he found them, and he had already talked to several that day!  It was so uplifting to him to find that they remembered him, had things in common like family, faith and everyday life, and it was SO GREAT to hear him so excited. 

So yah honey, the next time I tell you that something is really cool, I'll remind you about the times I've taken you to see Steel Magnolia's and you grumbled but then raved about how great a movie it was AFTER you saw it, and the time you took me to see James Galway, and although you didn't grumble on the outside, you were probably doing so on the inside, (classical music after all) and were blown away by the fantastic talented performance, and yes, about the possibilities of technology enriching your life if you embrace the parts that work for you, and discard the parts that don't, I'll bet you'll still grumble, but I"ll be patient and wait til the revelation comes and enjoy watching you reap the rewards of my wisdom!

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