Shelby wanted to be a southern belle this year, and so (in my insanity) I thought, 'that's something I could actually make for her! I spent about $9 at the Walmart clearance table, and with a little sewing, hot glue, safety pins, and my mothers (vintage 1959) lace wedding slip and borrowed straw hat, we had a beautiful trick or treater.
Tristan on the other hand was easier, yet more traveling. By the time I got around to shopping for his Clone Trooper costume, there was nothing left in Lebanon except the blasters. On our anniversary dinner to Red Robin, we stopped in at the costume store at Heritage Mall and found the last one in his size. A little more pricy than Shelby's, but everyone was happy!
We had a great time trick or treating at the Lebanon Merchants, stopped at our 3 favorite neighbors houses, out to Grandma and Grandpas for bloody stubs of gummy body parts, and then a fun time at the Santucci's visiting all their neighbors for some of the biggest candy scores of the day (and sore feet).
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