Excerpts from a Mom, Wife, Scrapbooker, Twilight Fan!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My life as a mom

Today I came home, and my husband was home from work.  He came home early to finish tallying candy sales for the boy scouts.  Part of this requires him to be on the computer, our one and only good computer, that can print.  We are out of ink.  Except for black ink, because he found a free black ink cartridge at work and brought it home.   In order to print anything out though, I had to change the printer preferences to use only the black ink cartridge.  Then I scanned the two documents, because changing the printer preferences on the pc, will not allow you to use the easy print 'Black' document button on the printer.  Got those copies going.  In the meantime, my son is trying to have his turn playing on the computer because he didn't get to on Wednesday, the kids usual day to play games after school.  Also, my daughter is working on her era study report, which is a half display board.  Now, I must mention, that there are 5 work surfaces in my office/den.  But all of them seem to be covered with stuff.  So in the midst of the candy paperwork, Civil War era reports, scrapbooking stuff (yah that's all mine) miscellaneous drawings in progress, and other craft projects, with all four of us trying to find space to accomplish things in this one room, there is a knock on the door.  Oh yah, I had a customer coming over to pick up scrapbook pages.  Somehow she found a surface to write on......and she's a great gal and very understanding!

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