Excerpts from a Mom, Wife, Scrapbooker, Twilight Fan!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Fun, of the unusual kind

It is amazing what a pile of pillows blankets and a camera can become as an entertainment factor.  I'm happy to sit here at the computer and ignore an activity that just a few years ago, I couldn't have imagined allowing my kids to do.  I know my husband wouldn't be allowing this, but you know, sometimes kids just need to be kids.  I just got told by my dad the other night, that I'm no longer a kid.  He yelled at me because I was tickling my son and wrestling with him on the living room floor.  I remember him always saying things to my mom when she was playing with me or the grandkids, not wanting her to hurt herself.  Maybe that's his big worry, that playing hard, someone will get hurt, but you know, sometimes you have to just let loose, have fun and go for it.  I like to play that way with my kids, and I remember my mom and my grandpa playing like that with me.  My grandpa use to give me bucking horsey rides on his back, and they're some of the best memories I have.  I want my kids to remember me that way.